Stars of Tomorrow Dance Academy

1213 Cole Harbour Road, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2V 1M9
About Us/Studio Philosophy

Stars of Tomor­row Dance Acad­emy (SOT) is an inde­pen­dently owned dance school located in Cole Har­bour Nova Sco­tia. The teach­ers & staff of SOT pride them­selves on pro­vid­ing a fun yet dis­ci­plined atmos­phere for all dancers.
SOT offers day­time, evening and week­end classes with lessons begin­ning for dancers as young as 2. SOT wel­comes both recre­ational and com­pet­i­tive dancers whether their inter­est in dance is for fun, exer­cise, or with pro­fes­sional aspi­ra­tions. All stu­dent work is show­cased in a year end recital.

Infant and Caregiver/Toddler (0-2 years), Preschool (3-4 years), Youth (5-12 years), Teen (13-18 years), Adult (18+ years)
Ability Levels
Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced